bar in a pub

Conflict Management in the Hospitality Sector

Course Background

Working in the hospitality sector, which includes hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and pubs, presents unique challenges when dealing with confrontational situations. Employees often encounter verbal abuse, aggressive behaviour, threats, sexual harassment and even physical violence from customers and guests. This hostile environment can take a significant toll on staff wellbeing, leading to issues like burnout, absenteeism, and high turnover.

Some of the key conflicts that staff in the hospitality sector may face include:

  • Dealing with intoxicated patrons who refuse to leave or become aggressive.
  • Managing customer disputes over reservations, bills, or service quality.
  • Handling complaints and confrontations related to room allocations, amenities, or noise disturbances in hotels.
  • Facing hostility when enforcing venue rules, such as dress codes or age restrictions.
  • Navigating difficult interactions with guests who exhibit inappropriate conduct or make unwelcome advances.
  • Mediating disputes between groups of customers or guests.
  • Responding to potential violence or disturbances requiring security or police intervention.

These conflicts can occur at any time of day or night, staff must be well-prepared to handle them effectively. Without proper training, employees may lack the skills and confidence to defuse tensions and prevent conflicts from escalating into more serious incidents.

This course is designed to equip hospitality sector staff with vital conflict management and communication techniques to confidently handle challenging situations. Employees will gain strategies to defuse aggression, mediate disputes, and create safer environments for both guests and staff. 


The purpose of this intensive one day conflict management course is to empower hospitality sector staff, including hotel employees, with the skills needed to handle confrontational and aggressive situations effectively.

The practical conflict resolution, mediation, and communication skills covered in this course will enable staff to take control of challenging interactions. They will gain confidence in managing aggressive customers or guests, defusing tensions, and preventing disputes from escalating into more serious physical confrontations or violence.

The outcome is a safer environment that reduces staff stress and turnover, confrontation-related incidents, liability risks, and lost revenue from problematic situations. 

Training Delivery

The conflict management training will utilise engaging and interactive methods to maximise hands-on learning. Employees will be encouraged to actively participate through discussions, role-plays, and exercises designed to embed new skills. The learning environment is relaxed yet focused, allowing for the sharing of experiences and perspectives from learners’ real-world contexts. The trainer facilitates in an informal, open style, incorporating relevant case studies from various hospitality settings, including hotels.

Various interactive methods will put concepts into practice through realistic scenarios, including:

  • Case analyses of workplace incidents to deepen understanding of risks and decisions.
  • Small group work to brainstorm strategies, share experiences, and foster teamwork.
  • Discussions and Q&A sessions encouraged throughout the course.

These engaging methods aim to motivate staff and build lasting capabilities, not just convey information. Participants will gain hands-on experience with core techniques for managing conflicts and will feel confident applying them in their roles, including those working in hotels. 

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will: 

  • Engage in open discussions concerning workplace risks, promoting awareness and proactive risk mitigation.
  • Understand Health and Safety Legislation: Explore Health and Safety legislation within the context of workplace violence, ensuring compliance and safeguarding practices.
  • Enhance Digital Online Security: Learn strategies to prevent online harassment, ensuring your digital safety.
  • Master Body Language and Communication: Develop effective body language and communication skills to navigate confrontational situations with confidence.
  • Recognise early warning signs of escalating aggression through body language and verbal cues.
  • Employ de-escalation techniques like active listening, empathy, and positive communication.
  • Build confidence in defusing confrontational situations and managing challenging individuals.
  • Apply verbal and non-verbal skills to diffuse tension and manage hostile customers or guests.
  • Make sound judgments on when to involve security or authorities.
  • Protect personal safety and the safety of others in volatile situations.
  • Utilise incident reporting to provide detailed accounts and identify risks.
  • Develop competence in mediating disputes and achieving constructive solutions.
  • Foster a safer, more positive environment for both staff and guests in hospitality settings, including hotels.

    Join us in this course to equip yourself and your team with essential conflict management skills tailored to the hospitality sector, ensuring safer environments and more confident, capable staff, whether you work in a hotel, restaurant, bar, nightclub, or pub.

    Conflict Management in the Hospitality Industry


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    Close-up of woman using walker


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    Safety Solutions Training Ltd.

    7 Coryton Crescent


    CF14 7EP