All Wales NHS Violence and Aggression Passport Scheme
Course Background:
The All Wales NHS Violence and Aggression Passport Scheme Training thoroughly prepares healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills required to effectively recognise, manage, and mitigate the risks associated with workplace violence and aggression. This includes addressing the challenges encountered when staff visit patients in their homes. Throughout the course, participants will explore real-life scenarios, gaining insights into the diverse range of issues they may face in their roles within the healthcare sector, whether within healthcare facilities or during home visits.
Examples of Risks Considered:
- Patient Distress: Staff may encounter situations where patients, overwhelmed by their medical conditions or emotional distress, become agitated or verbally aggressive, whether within healthcare facilities or home environments.
- Intoxication: Patients under the influence of alcohol or drugs may display unpredictable behaviour, potentially posing threats to healthcare workers in various contexts.
- Family and Visitor Tensions: Conflicts among family members or visitors can escalate, resulting in disruptive and, at times, violent incidents within healthcare facilities and during home visits.
- Mental Health Issues: Patients with unmanaged mental health conditions may exhibit aggressive behaviour, whether they are receiving care in healthcare facilities or at home.
- Conflict over Treatment: Disagreements regarding treatment plans between patients, their families, and healthcare providers can lead to confrontations, whether staff are situated in healthcare settings or making home visits.
- Security Concerns: The presence of unauthorised individuals or security breaches can expose staff to safety risks, irrespective of the care setting.
- Dementia-Related Challenges: Providing care to patients with dementia may involve addressing unpredictable behaviours and potential aggression, whether in healthcare facilities or during home visits.
- Harassment and Online Harassment: Staff may encounter harassment, including online harassment, from patients, their families, or other individuals, leading to distressing situations that need to be managed with care and professionalism.
By immersing participants in these authentic scenarios and equipping them with valuable skills, this training empowers healthcare professionals to navigate intricate workplace dynamics and home visits, ensuring their safety and the safety of those they serve.
Module A:
This will provide participants with a general introduction to the subject of violence and aggression. It will provide a basic overview of the importance of managing violence and aggression in the workplace. It will also reflect upon the prevalence of violence and aggression within society and its relevance to the workplace. This will be supported through the provision of clear definitions for violence and aggression. Local policy and procedures will also be introduced.
Module A – Induction and Awareness Raising
- To raise awareness of employers and employees rights and responsibilities.
- To introduce key issues in the management of violence and aggression.
- To raise awareness of the changing culture of violence and aggression in society and in relation to NHS/organisation employees.
- To raise awareness of the duty of care by the employer and employee.
- To raise awareness of the meaning of the terms violence and aggression.
- To raise awareness of the existence of the local policy and procedure and their location.
- To raise awareness of staff support systems available within the organisation.
- To raise awareness of the importance of reporting incidents of violence and aggression
Module B:
This will provide participants with greater awareness of issues associated with the theory of personal safety and de-escalation. Emphasis is placed upon the importance of de-escalation and the steps which can be taken to prevent incidents of violence and aggression occurring in the first place. The module is intended to equip participants with the skills to recognise and de-escalate potential violent incidents and will include issues associated with customer care and diversity.
Module B – Theory of Personal Safety and De-escalation
- To increase awareness of personal safety
- To increase awareness of the environment and the risks that it can present
- To increase awareness of cultural and gender issues
- To raise awareness of the term ‘assault’
- To gain an understanding of how behaviour escalates into a violent and/or aggressive situation
- To emphasise the importance of relevant health and safety legislation
- To increase recognition of trigger factors which can lead to violent and/or aggressive behaviour
- To have an awareness of communication skills which can assist in diffusing violent and aggressive situations
- To increase awareness of the post incident support debriefing
Module C:
This will provide the participant with practical skills to enable them to breakaway from a situation of violence and aggression. Emphasis will be placed upon the importance of communication skills and management of personal safety throughout all breakaway techniques.
Module C – Breakaway (optional)
- To provide practical techniques enabling breakaway from violent/aggressive situations
- To reinforce the need to maintain communication which can assist in diffusing a violent/aggressive situation
- Demonstrate and practice the practical use of breakaway techniques, from an attack/grab, without causing harm to those involved. Situations will include; hair grabs, wrist grabs, clothes grabs & strangle holds
- Describe situations which may require additional assistance
- To increase awareness of local reporting procedures. To increase awareness of the use of personal alarm systems
Lone Worker Personal Safety (optional)
Home Visits: When conducting home visits, health workers may enter unfamiliar or potentially unsafe environments, increasing the risk of encountering hazardous conditions or confrontational situations with patients or family members, and inappropriate behaviour.
Training Delivery
Our training is designed to be dynamic, interactive, and engaging, tailored specifically for health workers who often operate alone in diverse and sometimes challenging environments. We understand the importance of practical, real-world preparation. Therefore, our delivery methods prioritize active participation, skill-building, and collaborative learning.
- Interactive Workshops: Our training sessions take the form of interactive workshops. Health workers can actively engage in discussions, share their experiences, and learn from their peers. These workshops create a supportive environment where participants can explore the nuances of lone worker safety within the healthcare context.
- Real-Life Scenarios: We incorporate real-life scenarios relevant to healthcare settings. These scenarios challenge health workers to think critically and make informed decisions, enhancing their ability to assess and manage risks effectively.
- Case Studies: We use case studies drawn from actual healthcare experiences. These cases cover a range of situations health workers may encounter, from patient aggression to medical emergencies. Participants analyse these cases, share their perspectives, and collaboratively explore best practices.
- Q&A and Problem-Solving: We encourage participants to ask questions and seek solutions to specific issues they’ve encountered or anticipate encountering. Trainers provide expert guidance, and group discussions allow for multiple perspectives, enriching the problem-solving process.
- Feedback and Reflection: At the end of each training session, we invite participants to provide feedback and reflect on their learning experiences. This feedback loop helps us continually refine our courses and ensures that health workers leave with practical skills and actionable insights.
Our trainers are experienced professionals with a deep understanding of the healthcare sector. They bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the training, fostering a supportive and motivating learning environment. Our goal is to equip health workers with the tools and knowledge they need to confidently handle the unique challenges they may face while working alone in healthcare settings.
All Wales NHS Violence and Aggression Passport
Download a copy of the training program
Safety Solutions Training Ltd.
7 Coryton Crescent
CF14 7EP