Conflict management and lone worker personal safety for social housing providers, Safety Solutions Training

Stalking and Harassment Awareness Training


Course Background

Stalking is a pernicious and dangerous form of violence that affects millions each year. It is not something to be taken lightly or dismissed as harmless admiration; stalking poses a severe threat to public safety that all organisations must acknowledge.

The obsessive and unwelcome nature of stalking behaviours often leads to the escalation of this crime over time, resulting in devastating consequences. Stalkers fixate on their targets, becoming consumed by their actions and crossing boundaries without consent. Their campaign of harassment and control erodes the target’s sense of safety and freedom.

Without timely intervention, stalking all too frequently turns fatal. Homicide becomes the ultimate risk when stalkers act on their compulsions. Organisations have a duty to recognise warning signs, treat reports seriously, and implement robust safety measures. Early identification and reporting of suspicious behaviour are crucial in disrupting fixations before they transform into entrenched obsessions.

Comprehensive training equips staff to identify risk factors and patterns of escalation. A considerate, trauma-informed response demonstrates to victims that they are heard and shields them from further harm. With lives at stake, organisations must prioritise employee and public safety against stalking threats. Knowledge and vigilance are our best defences against this disturbing crime.

Learning Objectives

Throughout this course, you will:

  • Identifying Stalking:
    Recognise the factors that may indicate high risk fixated and obsessive behaviours.
  • Understanding Why People Stalk:
    Motivation is key to understanding risk. Types of s
  • Recognise Risks Associated with Stalking:
    Understand the risks to individuals and organisations.
  • Safety Planning:
    Identify situations where personal/organisational safety may be compromised.
  • Access to Justice:
    Understand what the law says on stalking and how it can help protect victims.
  • Practical Tips:
    How to help those targeted by a s
  • Prevention:
    Tips to reduce the risk of being targeted by a stalker
  • Information and Support:
    Access information and resources for further assistance and support beyond the course.

Training Delivery:

Engaging Learning Atmosphere:
We cultivate a dynamic and interactive learning environment, fostering active engagement and participation among all delegates. Our seasoned trainer will skilfully facilitate discussions and hands-on exercises, encouraging participants to take an active role in their learning journey.

Seamless Integration of Theory and Practice:
We seamlessly blend theoretical knowledge with practical situations.

Real-Life Case Studies and Scenarios:
Our training incorporates authentic case studies and scenarios that are directly relevant

Up-to-Date Legislation and Policy Knowledge:
We prioritise keeping participants informed about the latest UK legislation and policies related to stalking and harassment. This knowledge, combined with the integration of organisational policies and procedures, is essential for informed decision-making and compliance.

Our unwavering commitment is to deliver a training program that empowers participants to gain a comprehensive understanding of harassment confidently and competently.

Tailored Training for a Variety of Organisations

Law Enforcement Agencies:
Police officers, detectives, and other law enforcement personnel who handle stalking cases.

Victim Support Organisations:
Non-profits and agencies that provide assistance to stalking victims.

Security Firms:
Companies specialising in security services should ensure their staff are trained to deal with stalking threats.

Educational Institutions:
Schools and universities can benefit from training their staff to address stalking incidents on campus.

Healthcare Providers:
Hospitals, clinics, and mental health professionals should be equipped to recognise and respond to stalking-related issues.

Corporate Entities:
Larger businesses may want to offer this training to their security teams or human resources departments.

Legal Professionals:
Lawyers, judges, and legal professionals who may deal with stalking cases.

Government Agencies:
Various government departments responsible for public safety and victim services.

Community Organisations:
Local community groups interested in safety and awareness.

Social Services:
Agencies and workers dealing with vulnerable populations who may be at risk of stalking.

Security and Risk Management Departments:
Any organisation with a dedicated security or risk management department.

Crisis Hotlines and Helplines:
Staff who operate hotlines for individuals seeking assistance.

The Trainer

Jane, our specialist trainer, is a leading expert in stalking risk assessment, safety planning, and victim advocacy within the criminal justice system. With over 20 years of experience, including 7 years on the front-line, she stands as one of the most seasoned stalking victim advocates in the UK.

Jane holds qualifications in Stalking Risk Profile and is a certified ISAC (Independent Stalking Advocacy Caseworker) trained by Paladin, as well as an accredited IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advocate) trained by Safe Lives. Her passion lies in public education about stalking, aiming to ensure that both organisations and individuals comprehend the risks and opportunities associated with early identification of stalking behaviours. Jane sees this as a crucial opportunity to protect the public by intervening early to prevent serious harm.

Stalking and Harassment Awareness Training


Download a copy of the training program



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walking along a corridor


Close-up of woman using walker


Holding a child



Safety Solutions Training Ltd.

7 Coryton Crescent


CF14 7EP