Identifying facebook like and share prize giveaway scams


Thousands of individuals in the UK are unknowingly risking their personal information on social media, especially Facebook, where cybercriminals lurk. In this video, we guide you through the process of spotting and avoiding deceptive Facebook like and share prize giveaway scams.

Spotting the Scams:

Many businesses in the UK employ social media to showcase their products, and one popular strategy is to offer ‘giveaways’ to generate interest. Unfortunately, cybercriminals have also embraced this approach, targeting social media platforms, including Facebook.

The Allure of Giveaways:

These criminals are well aware of our penchant for freebies and our tendency to share potential giveaways with friends and family. A quick scroll through Facebook reveals numerous giveaways, ranging from luxury holidays to cars and high-end televisions.

The Deceptive Tactics:

Sadly, many of these giveaways are orchestrated by criminals to dupe people into believing they have a substantial chance of winning something extraordinary. Criminals aim to amass as many ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ as possible. However, the issue with most of these giveaways is the absence of any genuine prize. Essentially, we are handing over our personal information for the promise of a reward that never materializes.

The ‘Like Farming’ Technique:

The term ‘like farming’ describes this deceptive tactic, wherein criminals employ the allure of winning valuable prizes to encourage individuals to like and share their pages.

Hidden Dangers:

Criminals may exploit the fact that we have liked their page to send us spam advertisements or introduce malware viruses, hoping that we will interact with them, inadvertently giving them access to our personal details or signing up for costly text services.

Staying Safe:

Recognizing the warning signs, reporting these scams, blocking malicious pages, and contributing to their removal is crucial.

Scam Alert UK is deeply concerned that a significant number of individuals in the UK genuinely believe these giveaways are legitimate. If their Facebook privacy settings are not appropriately configured, meaning their email addresses or telephone numbers are accessible to ‘everyone,’ they become potential targets for cybercriminals.

Facebook’s Role:

Compounding this issue is Facebook’s algorithm, which elevates the visibility of giveaway scams with more ‘likes’ and ‘shares.’ Consequently, these scams proliferate, reaching more unsuspecting users in the UK.

Stay Informed:

To remain updated about actively circulating scams and bolster your online security, consider subscribing to our YouTube channel and following our Facebook page.

Closing Note:

Scam Alert UK is managed by Safety Solutions Training Ltd., and we are dedicated to safeguarding individuals in the UK from online frauds and scams.

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