grabbing hand

Conflict Management Training

Course Background:

Confrontational situations involving aggression, abuse, and violence are unfortunate realities in many workplaces today. Employees across diverse industries and roles frequently face volatile interactions that can quickly escalate if not handled properly with the right conflict management skills.

Examples of High-Risk Workplace Scenarios:

  • Retail and hospitality staff routinely deal with angry, intoxicated, or unreasonable customers.
  • Healthcare workers manage tense interactions with upset patients and families.
  • Teaching faculty address disciplinary issues and clashes with students.
  • Public transport drivers experience fare evasion, verbal abuse, and violence from passengers.
  • Office workers may face harassment, discrimination, and bullying from colleagues.

Without specialist conflict management training, these routine workplace conflicts can escalate into serious incidents, impacting staff wellbeing, absenteeism, turnover, potential lawsuits, reputational damage, and more. Equipping employees with proven conflict resolution and personal safety skills is crucial across a wide range of sectors and roles.

This comprehensive conflict management training provides employees from diverse industries with core techniques to safely and effectively handle the confrontational situations they encounter daily. Participants will gain portable knowledge and practical skills applicable to their unique work environments.

Interactive Training Delivery

Our conflict management training combines theoretical instruction with immersive practical exercises, providing a well-rounded development experience. Through highly participative sessions conducted in a secure training environment, employees engage in open discussions, and explore diverse real-world case studies.

Participants develop essential skills to identify early warning signs of potential conflicts, master verbal and physical de-escalation techniques, set appropriate boundaries, and make sound safety judgments. The interactive format emphasises realistic case study situations, allowing learners to refine their conflict resolution strategies under the guidance of experienced facilitators. This immersive approach fosters confidence, resilience, and lasting capabilities tailored to the unique challenges faced in their respective professions.

By the end of the training, participants gain a comprehensive understanding of effective conflict management strategies, enabling them to navigate confrontational situations professionally and safely upon returning to their workplaces.

Learning Objectives:

  • Engage in open discussions concerning workplace risks, promoting awareness and proactive risk mitigation. Identify potential risk factors specific to your workplace environment.
  • Understand Health and Safety Legislation: Explore Health and Safety legislation in the context of workplace violence, ensuring compliance and safeguarding practices. Discuss the legal obligations of employers and employees.
  • Cultivate a Proactive Mindset: Foster a proactive mindset towards conflict management, encouraging continuous skill development and situational awareness. Establish a culture of safety within your team or organisation.
  • Recognise Unsafe Situations: Identify potentially unsafe situations, including violence and aggression, sexual advances/inappropriate conduct, malicious allegations, and possible entrapment scenarios. Learn to assess and evaluate risk levels.
  • Master Body Language and Communication: Develop effective body language and communication skills to navigate confrontational situations with confidence.
  • Skilfully Manage Confrontations: Acquire techniques to manage confrontations through distractions and improve interpersonal skills.
  • Spatial Awareness: Develop spatial awareness and various escape strategies to enhance personal safety. Understand defensive positioning and maintaining safe distances.
  • Understand Legislation on Self-Defence: Explore legislation related to self-defence, ensuring a clear understanding of your rights and responsibilities. Discuss legal use of reasonable force.
  • Optional Self-Defence Skills: If you choose, acquire basic self-defence and breakaway skills, including stance and movement, releases from various wrist and clothing grabs, and blocking techniques. Practise physical techniques under expert guidance.

Conflict Management Training Course


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walking along a corridor


Close-up of woman using walker


Holding a child



Safety Solutions Training Ltd.

7 Coryton Crescent


CF14 7EP